How important is after sales in our field?
After sales is essential for everything concerning the field of building paints. Different supports need different paints which change according to their use, specifications, wall and building features and the final effect which we want to obtain.
The customer will find our staff to his complete disposal both for choosing a paint to redecorate his home or sorting out a problem which occured in his home. Our staff will be pleased to give you an expert advice about design or technical advice.
Our pride and commitment is to lead the customer to the best solution both for furnishing and technique.
In our area dedicated to decorative paints you will be able to choose with calm and relaxation among the new wall effects. Moreover, our staff will show you in a clear and easy way how to realize and obtain professional results.
Our technicians will be at you complete disposal both for advicing you with the best technical solution for your project and letting you know the latest items about paint for the building industry.
We freely supply our consultancy for problems which may occur inside buildings like condensation, humidity, musty and infiltrations in order to achieve the best solution. For this reason we offer our customers a free inspection, useful to identify and solve all kinds of problems which may occur inside your home or premises.
Our staff will be at your disposal not only at the moment of purchase but later as well.
You will be able to take advantage of our free consultancy and inspection during your work to solve any problems may occur during the performing works. Market Color offers you a free guide and all the required assistance necessary both at the moment of the preparation and realization of your projects. Moreover, we will put at your disposal our knowledge and staff experience in order to meet completely your requirements and satisfaction for the achieved result.